Nurturing Abundant Lives

Building Powerhouse Homes

Empowering Excellent Leadership

Jane Xu

Psychotherapy / Counselling / Coaching

Mental Wellness

Whether you're struggling with emotional regulation, facing interpersonal difficulties, or seeking personal growth, We are here to help you find clarity and direction at every turn.

Meet Jane (Xiao Bing) Xu, our head coach, a compassionate and skilled psychotherapist dedicated to guiding individuals, couples, and families through life's complex challenges.

Self Discovery Journey

Through PEAKS personality profiling, our PEAKS certified coaches take you to a journey of self discovery. This journey leads you to an experience of self-awareness and deep understanding of your personality strength, gifts and potentials. It prepares you to enter into a new season of personal development.

PEAKS is a global online psychometric profiling technology based on the well-researched and validated five-factor and traits-based personality model. The big-five factors include the EQ aspects and links to personal competencies and predictive tendencies of fitting various roles.

Individual Life Coaching

Life is full of uncertainty and challenges in this dynamic and changing world. Our Morphos certified coaches are here to be your valued partners, guide you in your life journey no matter which season you are in your life.

Through our one-on-one life coaching sessions, you will be empowered to learn the practical life skills for emotional and stress management, to leverage your strength for effective learning and productivity in both academic and career environment, and to develop the knowledge and attitude for personal growth.

Marriage and Family Coaching

Marriage and family are complex systems. Each marriage is an integration of two family systems. The healthy family relationships nurture lives in generations. Our certified coaches are here to support you in building your marriage, and to guide you in resolving the problems and healing your family relationships to live an abundant life.

"As Marriages grow strong, families grow strong. As families grow strong, a nation changes."

- Mike and Marilyn Phillipps

Leadership Coaching

Leading people in this connective era is extremely challenging, no matter what kind of organizations you are serving. Your leadership development starts with leading yourself, then leading others, and leading the future.

Through PEAKS leadership discovery, Morphos professional coaches are here to guide you in understanding your leadership profile and the achieving styles of your team members, to develop your leadership skills, and to excel your team to the peak performance.

English (Canada)